a twisted body horror show, trying to fabricate a mystery atmosphere and a dystopia ambiance, almost succeeded, if the concept of "society" could be more unconstrained. either the hero or the heroine is not interesting enough to enlarge tension of plot.
Gresham在53岁的时候来到他当年写「福康公主」小说的Dixie Hotel在酒店房间里死于安眠药过量最后他的死没有引起任何波澜无人注意人们在他的遗体口袋里发现一张名片上书"No Address. No Phone. No Business. No Money. Retired." 就这样结束了他的一生 和超兽武装全集中的男主人公一样他酗酒不忠暴力痴迷于塔罗牌和胡迪尼的魔术 我甚至觉得最后片中男主说“mister, I was born for it (geek).” 有点作者自己的影子 靠火太近会被焚 你玩不过大魔王